Politics,Climate Change and Sundry issues

Politics,Climate Change and Sundry issues
for website listing my blogs : http://winstonclosepolitics.com

Tuesday, 31 December 2013

When You Have Advisers Like Newman Why Would You Need Scientists?

When You Have Advisers Like Newman Why Would You Need Scientists?
Article by John Lord

The Articles includes this letter from Labor MP Shayne Newmann.


Tony Abbott’s chief business advisor Maurice Newman has embarrassed Australia by calling the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ‘deceitful and dishonest’ in an opinion piece published in today’s The Australian.
“These extraordinary comments from one of Tony Abbott’s closest advisors prove the Coalition is not serious about taking action on climate change and does not accept the overwhelming evidence of a changing climate,” Acting Shadow Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Shayne Neumann said.
“The Prime Minister must ask Mr Newman to withdraw his comments which damage Australia’s relationships with its trading partners, all of whom accept that climate change is real and are taking steps to reduce carbon pollution.”
“Australia is now a laughing stock for being the first country to unravel effective climate change policy, going backwards while the rest of the world is taking steps forward,” Mr Neumann said.
Maurice Newman also said the ‘scientific delusion, the religion behind the climate crusade, is crumbling’ and that 97 per cent of the world’s scientists who have revealed evidence of a warming climate and its effects were ‘wrong’.
“I’m not sure what qualifies Mr Newman to make such outrageous claims. He is not a scientist.
“The worst part about Mr Newman’s ignorant comments is that he’s only voicing what we know Tony Abbott thinks about climate change.
“The Prime Minister is not serious about taking action on climate change, which is why he and Greg Hunt have not made any attempt to develop effective climate change policy.”
Labor knows climate change is real and knows the time to take action is now. It seems Tony Abbott, Greg Hunt and Mr Newman are the only ones who don’t know that.

Monday, 30 December 2013

A new tax on illness

A new tax on illness

Abbott's Government forget that they're there to serve the people of Australia, not the other way around.
Australia is made up of people, it's not a Corporation. Not a balance sheet.
Those in Government are our Public Servants, not our Dictators.

Sunday, 29 December 2013

To the Australian Government and the Governor General: We Reject Tony Abbott and the LNP

To the Australian Government and the Governor General: We Reject Tony Abbott and the LNP
Please sign this important petition and save our nation.

We the people of Australia do hereby firmly reject the Abbott Government and the Liberal National Party as our ruling body. We do not condone any of its actions henceforth, nor do we accept its values as our own.
We strongly implore the Governor General of Australia to dismiss the LNP Government before serious damage is done to Australia as a nation.
The Federal and State LNP Governments are poised on the brink of inflicting irrevocable damage on the Nation.

Thursday, 26 December 2013

Tony's tame expert

Tony's tame expert
As per Article by Kaye Lee

Prof Plimer is an experienced mining geologist and a professor of mining geology at the University of Adelaide. He currently serves on the board of stock exchange-listed miners Ivanhoe Australia and Silver City Mines, and has held previous board roles at CBH Mining and a number of other Australian mining companies.  The companies he is involved with mine minerals including gold, zinc, copper and uranium, in Australia, Turkey and Saudi Arabia.
According to disclosures made to the Australians Securities and Investments Commission, Professor Plimer was appointed by Gina Rinehart to the boards of Roy Hill Holdings and Queensland Coal Investments on January 25 2012.  Roy Hill is key to Mrs Rinehart’s ambitions to challenge the big three Pilbara iron ore players in her own right. The company is the manager of the Roy Hill mine, which plans to export 55 million tonnes of iron ore a year through Port Hedland when it is up and running at full capacity.

Saturday, 21 December 2013

Trade secrets: why is the US so quiet on the Trans-Pacific Partnership?

Trade secrets: why is the US so quiet on the Trans-Pacific Partnership?

The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a power grab by Multi-Corporations which is being offered in total secrecy without any details of what is comprises. We must say NO to this agreement which is being pushed down our throats by insidious people with ulterior motives.

Friday, 20 December 2013

Why Abbott doesn’t understand

Why Abbott doesn’t understand

Excerpt from the Article by Victoria Rollison
":I might come from a privileged background, and be lucky enough to have always enjoyed the safety net that comes with such an upbringing. But I know enough about life to know that the last thing Holden workers will be feeling is the wonderful emotion of ‘liberation’. If Abbott honestly believes these workers are better off without their jobs, he’s the last person who should be making decisions affecting the future of all Australians. From his narrow, un-empathetic, self-interested glass tower of privilege, he is therefore unqualified for the job of Prime Minister."

Thursday, 19 December 2013

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

The Abbott Form of Social Engineering

The Abbott Form of Social Engineering

A brilliant article by John Lord 

 The Abbott & Co Government. conducting a deliberate dismantling of anything in our social fabric that interferes with the profits of Magnates and the Rich echelon of Australia at the expense of middle and low income and needy strata of our country,.

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

The Perrett Report 17 12 12#

All aboard the slow train

All aboard the slow train
Click link above to read full article

"In 1903 the early sire of the modern conservatives, the Protectionist Party were denouncing the construction of the Trans-Australian Railway that would connect the eastern states to Western Australia.
The rail connection was a major incentive given to WA to join the Federation in 1901, as at the time the only way to get anywhere from Perth was by a long boat journey. Protectionist Senator James Styles complained to the parliament that the works would draw resources away from NSW and QLD, and that traffic simply did not justify the expense.
It wasn’t until 1911 that an ALP government got the project in motion. When the two sides of the nation were finally connected in 1917, the railway revolutionised internal trade and freight carriage with travel now taking days instead of weeks."
Article by T.J.Curtis

click above l

Joe Hockey swings the axe

Joe Hockey swings the axe

While there is bipartisan support for the NDIS, the program is forecast to cost $22 billion in its first full year of operation, scheduled for 2019-20. The Coalition will examine how to rein in that cost by making it tightly targeted and run with a minimum of bureaucracy.
Education cuts of more than $1.5 billion include dumping the trades training centre program and slashing before- and after-school care by $450 million.
Indigenous Legal Aid faces a cut of $43 million.
There are also cuts of $10 million from the Children's Medical Research Institute; $12 million from the Millennium Institute, one of the largest medical research institutes in Australia working on cancer and leukaemia research; and $15.1 million from the cancer care co-ordinators program.
Health services have been cut by $150 million, including Westmead Hospital, which will lose $100 million over three years. But the budget outlook measures are just the beginning.

Monday, 16 December 2013

The First REAL 100 Days of Government

The First REAL 100 Days of Government

The Abbott Government have celebrated their first 100 days and awarded themselves a tick in every box. Everything they have done has been handled efficiently, smoothly, swiftly and professionally. That is, of course, if you listen to the Government’s own glowing but exaggerated assessment.
Thanks to Michael Trembath, here is a link to the articles that provide us with the real story of the Abbott Government’s first 100 days. Satirically sub-titled ‘Delivering on our Plan‘ it delivers an absolute mockery of the claim that the Government has done just that. Our thanks go to Michael for giving The AIMN permission to reproduce his compelling list.
Here is Michael’s fact-finding assessment and evidence of the first real 100 days of the Abbott Government:

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Boofhead Politics

Boofhead Politics

"Almost its whole agenda to date has not been about doing. It’s been about undoing. Undoing the Gonski education reforms. Undoing pay rises for low-paid child and disability carers. Undoing the school kids bonus. Undoing tax breaks for low income superannuation contributions. Undoing tax imposts on rich superannuates. Undoing taxes on mining companies."As per article.

Tony Abbott's problem with the truth

Tony Abbott's problem with the truth
Tony Abbott has a personality disorder or is a pathological liar.The tragedy is that he's "governing" our country.
Also, a lot of his Ministers have some kind of personality disorder as well which makes our predicament worse.

Wednesday, 11 December 2013



 The Smoke and Mirrors deception
Murdoch Media were able to pull the greatest illusionist Act since Federation.
By relentless saturation of Media and continuous repetition of concocted lies and partial truths were able to create in Australian minds a virtual reality in which the Coalition under Tony Abbott became almost believable and the Labor Party were the villains of Australian Politics.
The Labor Party had been a very good government with an output of great many pieces of legislation which benefited a great many people of all parts of society.
All that good work was covered by the tons of deceptive statements continuously issued by Abbott and Murdoch.

This is the most backward government we have ever seen

This is the most backward government we have ever seen

"In the longer term, dealing with climate change and carbon pollution, this government cannot be trusted either, because this government is prepared to push the science aside, push the economics aside, come up with some stunt labelled ‘direct action’ and try to perpetrate a con job on the Australian public. The Australian public are onto this government. They have never been onto a government so quick as they have been onto this government. They understand that the government is incompetent. They understand that the government is untrustworthy. They understand that the government has got no policies in a whole range of areas. They now know that it has to set up 50 inquiries to try to develop some semblance of a government program moving forward, because there were no government programs in place other than three-line slogans on issues that are really about short-term political advantage and not the national interest."
As per Article

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Catastrophic outcome from the Government’s biggest economic decision yet - Australian Council of Trade Unions

Catastrophic outcome from the Government’s biggest economic decision yet - Australian Council of Trade Unions

Joe Hockey like all his Parliamentary Liberal mates join the annals of most stupid behaviour in Australia's history
This Government should be sacked by the Governor General.
He should remember the saying : be careful of what you wish.

Tony Burke accuses Speaker Bronwyn Bishop of bias

Tony Burke accuses Speaker Bronwyn Bishop of bias

Labor frontbencher Tony Burke has launched an attack on the Speaker of the House of Representatives, accusing Bronwyn Bishop of being a biased umpire and of allowing a ''childish prank'' by Education Minister Christopher Pyne.
While the Speaker is meant to act as an independent umpire, forgoing party allegiances, Labor has from the outset accused Ms Bishop of flouting this rule and criticised her for continuing to attend Coalition party room meetings.

Monday, 9 December 2013


Abbott and Co. inner circle.
You can almost hear Peta Credlin saying : "You rang?"

The creepy Ministerial family and Chief of Staff.

Coalition blocks Senate from secret details of Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal

Coalition blocks Senate from secret details of Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal

 Sinister Trade Agreement the Abbott & Co government wants to sign, practically selling out Australia to Big Corporations which then will be able to sue Australia as is the case with big tobacco Companies


The government has refused the Senate access to the secret text of the trade deal it is negotiating in Singapore, saying it will only be made public after it has been signed.
As the final round of ministerial talks on the Trans-Pacific Partnership resumed on Sunday, Nobel prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz wrote to each of the 12 participating nations warning that the deal and the secrecy surrounding it presented ''grave risks''.

Saturday, 7 December 2013

Abbott and Murdoch: All out damage control

Abbott and Murdoch: All out damage control


5. Distorting the daily news

Broken promises were a constant theme during the reign of PM Julia Gillard. Yet there were very actually very few. Just one – no carbon tax – was used effectively to destroy her credibility.
Abbott, in fact, broke 13 commitments in his first 50 days and another three since. The Murdoch media are suppressing this. On Tuesday, Dennis Shanahan in The Australian congratulated Abbott and Education Minister Christopher Pyne on their ‘political decision to neutralise education funding’.
Note the weasel wording here:
‘Abbott risked being tagged as someone who did not keep his promises and slipping into a damaging parallel with Julia Gillard and the carbon tax. A perception framed before Christmas would last for the electoral cycle.’
The Australian is desperate to distort the record to keep readers ignorant of the actual number of broken promises — sixteen and counting."
As per Article by Alan Austin

Friday, 6 December 2013

Hidden Persuaders. Or how the Right Plays with Your Head

Hidden Persuaders. Or how the Right Plays with Your Head

Another brilliant article by John Lord
“Less informed voters unfortunately outnumber the more politically aware. Therefore, conservatives feed them all the bullshit they need. And the menu generally contains a fair portion of untruths”

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Kate Ellis says . . .

Kate Ellis says . . .

Great article by Kate Ellis MP

- Labor’s Gonski reforms would have delivered $14.65 billion in additional funding for schools over 6 years, but Tony Abbott will now commit to only a fraction of the funding over just 4 years.
– States will no longer be required to make funding co-contributions of $1 for every $2 dollars of federal money, or index their funding by 3 per cent.
– Tony Abbott and Christopher Pyne plan to amend Labor’s legislation so they can give ALL States ‘no strings’ funding deals – walking away from the needs-based loadings the Gonski report said were crucial to us closing the education equity gap, and walking away from funding being linked to improved teacher standards, student outcomes and increased transparency and accountability.
– The Coalition’s pledge that “you can vote Liberal or Labor and you’ll get exactly the same amount of funding for your school” is now nothing but a farce.

Question time is faster ... but is it any better? » The New Daily

Question time is faster ... but is it any better? » The New Daily

And Abbott and Co. continue denying Australians accountability by crassly refusing to answer any questions intelligently or coherently.
It's a blatant destruction of Democracy by a reactionary Government who hide behind Clayton Answers such as "No", "The opposition Leader has the facts wrong".
Usually their Clayton answers have a three stage order : Start with a mantra, deny everything and finish off with blaming the previous government for their own predicament.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013


Abbott and Co are showing total disregard for Australians. This cannot continue. Sack Abbott and Co.
The Governor General should consider sacking them.

The Crisis that is Christopher

The Crisis that is Christopher
Article by John Lord

Pynenocchio should be sacked as Minister of Education. Better still the entire Abbott and Co Government should be sacked for arrogance, despondency and incompetency for Australia.

Monday, 2 December 2013

It Goes to the Character of the Man

It Goes to the Character of the Man
Excellent article by John Lord.

Has Australia ever elected a Prime Minister so devoid of character? So lacking in the qualities of leadership? So deficient in empathy of social conscience? So ignorant of technology and science? So oblivious of the needs of women and same gender people? So out of touch with a modern pluralist society? And worst of all an unmitigated liar.
A Christian man who once had a calling to the Priesthood but now sees lying as a political truth. A Prime Minister who believes that truth is anything you persuade people to believe."
As per article.

Abbott's anguish: inner-city types in media dislike him

Abbott's anguish: inner-city types in media dislike him

Abbott and Co. a bunch of spoiled extremist Conservatives who haven't got a clue of what they're doing.

Sunday, 1 December 2013



 "Sadly, Joe Hockey's decision appears to have been made more with an eye on the opinion polls than the national interest or the interests of growers. It's an announcement which will reverberate for many years to come, not just in grains but in agriculture more generally."

As per article 
Please click on this link to read full article by Joel Fitzgibbon MP
