"The One Thing You Need to Succeed in This Business Is Sincerity - Once You Learn to Fake That, You've Got It Made!"
Article by Rossleighbrisbane
My opinion :The Abbott Government believe that if we're earning good reasonable
wages we're actually depriving Corporations from earning more profit so
that they can employ more people earning small wages.
They're the
Apex of oppression and incompetence. They want to have more poor people
so that they can manipulate them into believing they're the saviours of
Australia.They don't like educated people because they can think and
reason and realise how evil their Agenda is and how much they lie to us.
Friday, 31 January 2014
Thursday, 30 January 2014
Tony Abbott Poos His Pants
Tony Abbott Poos His Pants
The Bi Polar Prime Minister with a Personality Disorder.
This man is a clear danger to our Country and must be voted out soon.
The Bi Polar Prime Minister with a Personality Disorder.
This man is a clear danger to our Country and must be voted out soon.
Wednesday, 29 January 2014
A Clever Strategy
A Clever Strategy
Article by John Kelly
To understand what is going on here, we need to consider an interesting
theory, namely that the Liberal Party exists primarily to perpetuate its
own existence. That’s it! Just consider for a moment that everything
the liberals do is influenced by this one principle. They also, I
believe, have strong views on who should receive welfare. Is it just for
the poor, the ill, and the disadvantaged? Or is it for the wealthy as
well? They would hotly deny such a self-serving motive but I will leave
it up to the readers to draw their own conclusions after taking a closer
look at Kevin Andrews’ proposed welfare review. To gauge whether or not
I’m right, let us examine this latest “crackdown” a little closer and
see where it takes us.
Article by John Kelly
To understand what is going on here, we need to consider an interesting
theory, namely that the Liberal Party exists primarily to perpetuate its
own existence. That’s it! Just consider for a moment that everything
the liberals do is influenced by this one principle. They also, I
believe, have strong views on who should receive welfare. Is it just for
the poor, the ill, and the disadvantaged? Or is it for the wealthy as
well? They would hotly deny such a self-serving motive but I will leave
it up to the readers to draw their own conclusions after taking a closer
look at Kevin Andrews’ proposed welfare review. To gauge whether or not
I’m right, let us examine this latest “crackdown” a little closer and
see where it takes us.
Excerpt from Article by Victoria Rollison
"It was immediately clear that the editor of that Liberal fanzine had wet their pants with delight at the fact that their government was once again putting the boot into the most disadvantaged in the community, the infirm and the mentally ill, through savage changes to the Disability Support Pension. As usual, those over inflated egos that constitute the editorial core of that Murdoch owned conservative herald are quick to apply ‘wholesale smears over segments of the community. In this instance, to underscore and reinforce media engineered pre-conceptions about people who receive fortnightly DSP assistance’, it was a bitter exposition in which their tone and purpose was loud and clear. Their primary objective was to try and gather support for their government, by crafting the illusion that it was acting in the national interest."
as per article by Victoria Rollison
Excerpt from Article by Victoria Rollison
"It was immediately clear that the editor of that Liberal fanzine had wet their pants with delight at the fact that their government was once again putting the boot into the most disadvantaged in the community, the infirm and the mentally ill, through savage changes to the Disability Support Pension. As usual, those over inflated egos that constitute the editorial core of that Murdoch owned conservative herald are quick to apply ‘wholesale smears over segments of the community. In this instance, to underscore and reinforce media engineered pre-conceptions about people who receive fortnightly DSP assistance’, it was a bitter exposition in which their tone and purpose was loud and clear. Their primary objective was to try and gather support for their government, by crafting the illusion that it was acting in the national interest."
as per article by Victoria Rollison
Tuesday, 28 January 2014
Has The ABC Gone The Full-Teaparty In Attacking Workers and their Unions?
Has The ABC Gone The Full-Teaparty In Attacking Workers and their Unions?
The following twitter exchange between Leigh Sales of ABC’s 7:30
Report and Dave Noonan the CFMEU Construction & General National
Secretary about recent media allegations of corruption in the building
industry, which somehow automatically becomes a story about unions.
This conversation is odd, not just for the topic, but for the fact it
is so public. Was Sales going for a social media “gotcha” because she
had been denied a live interview “gotcha”? Was this public bullying – give us the interview or we have to replace you with a story on “union corruption”?
The following twitter exchange between Leigh Sales of ABC’s 7:30
Report and Dave Noonan the CFMEU Construction & General National
Secretary about recent media allegations of corruption in the building
industry, which somehow automatically becomes a story about unions.
This conversation is odd, not just for the topic, but for the fact it
is so public. Was Sales going for a social media “gotcha” because she
had been denied a live interview “gotcha”? Was this public bullying – give us the interview or we have to replace you with a story on “union corruption”?
The Abbott Pretorian Guard at The Australian
The Abbott Pretorian Guard at The Australian
Article by Matthew Donovan
The Abbott Pretorian Guard at The Australian – and all other Murdoch newspapers – have closed ranks around their man in The Lodge. A man under siege from all sides.
He accrues baggage every single time he opens his mouth. The outrage on social media is palpable.
The Australian likes to conveniently disregard Twitter as being “Left biased”.
The same can’t be said for Facebook with its much larger user base.
Facebook is also lighting up with fury over the regressive agenda of the Coalition.
The nation wide community organised rally movement March in March has been gathering momentum almost entirely on Facebook.
My opinion :
Article by Matthew Donovan
The Abbott Pretorian Guard at The Australian – and all other Murdoch newspapers – have closed ranks around their man in The Lodge. A man under siege from all sides.
He accrues baggage every single time he opens his mouth. The outrage on social media is palpable.
The Australian likes to conveniently disregard Twitter as being “Left biased”.
The same can’t be said for Facebook with its much larger user base.
Facebook is also lighting up with fury over the regressive agenda of the Coalition.
The nation wide community organised rally movement March in March has been gathering momentum almost entirely on Facebook.
My opinion :
There's nothing worse than a
dimwitted nasty Prime Minister let loose. Tony Abbott is eroding and
destroying Australia's social fabric and future.
dimwitted nasty Prime Minister let loose. Tony Abbott is eroding and
destroying Australia's social fabric and future.
Sunday, 26 January 2014
Fair suck of the sav, Tony
Fair suck of the sav, Tony
Article by Kaye Lee
My opinion is :
Article by Kaye Lee
My opinion is :
The lack of humanity of all
those commissions formed by the Abbott Government. They act as if people
are numbers,digits not Human beings. They act as if they're independent
from the people of Australia who voted for them or against them
forgetting that they're to represent us to govern for all of us not just
a mere few.
those commissions formed by the Abbott Government. They act as if people
are numbers,digits not Human beings. They act as if they're independent
from the people of Australia who voted for them or against them
forgetting that they're to represent us to govern for all of us not just
a mere few.
Winston Close
This Grand Mediocrity
This Grand Mediocrity
Article by John Kelly
The limited intellectual capacity of our Prime Minister or should we say our Clayton Prime Minister
"Our present government is so ideologically opposed to anything that
remotely resembles a balance between growth and social equality that
they cannot see how a market driven economy performs far more
effectively with well paid, highly skilled, highly educated workers
receiving benefits and incentives. Their attitude to social equality
suggests they think it is a by-product of a market driven economy, not a
partner with it. They only know how to do this when they have a barrel
load of money, from sources they weren’t expecting, as happened when
John Howard and Peter Costello were in control. When times are tough
they don’t know how to manage and always default to cutting spending in
the areas of social welfare. Listening (so painfully) to Tony Abbott’s
speech at Davos last week only served to confirm that."
As per article
Article by John Kelly
The limited intellectual capacity of our Prime Minister or should we say our Clayton Prime Minister
"Our present government is so ideologically opposed to anything that
remotely resembles a balance between growth and social equality that
they cannot see how a market driven economy performs far more
effectively with well paid, highly skilled, highly educated workers
receiving benefits and incentives. Their attitude to social equality
suggests they think it is a by-product of a market driven economy, not a
partner with it. They only know how to do this when they have a barrel
load of money, from sources they weren’t expecting, as happened when
John Howard and Peter Costello were in control. When times are tough
they don’t know how to manage and always default to cutting spending in
the areas of social welfare. Listening (so painfully) to Tony Abbott’s
speech at Davos last week only served to confirm that."
As per article
Saturday, 25 January 2014
Shipping Oars
Shipping Oars
Article by Kaye Lee
"Tony Abbott’s brief sojourn in Davos left most of us cringing and somewhat bemused as to the purpose of his journey. He met with some Australian big business leaders and delivered a speech that had nothing to do with the stated priorities of the forum – the problem of increasing income inequality and the economics of climate change. Le Figaro noted Abbott’s address as a footnote, quoting him as calling for more free trade, an idea that was a long way from the agenda – très loin de la thématique – of earlier gatherings. In fact, Tony left before any of these meetings took place."
as per article by Kaye Lee
Article by Kaye Lee
"Tony Abbott’s brief sojourn in Davos left most of us cringing and somewhat bemused as to the purpose of his journey. He met with some Australian big business leaders and delivered a speech that had nothing to do with the stated priorities of the forum – the problem of increasing income inequality and the economics of climate change. Le Figaro noted Abbott’s address as a footnote, quoting him as calling for more free trade, an idea that was a long way from the agenda – très loin de la thématique – of earlier gatherings. In fact, Tony left before any of these meetings took place."
as per article by Kaye Lee
Thursday, 23 January 2014
Government MP says people on dole 'don't care about the community, just themselves'
Government MP says people on dole 'don't care about the community, just themselves'
The callous and noxious minds of Liberals and Conservatives who demonise
those who need help and assistance from a Government that is supposed
to represent them not chastised them unjustly.
If you believe in
Karma, these conservatives uncaring minds may find themselves one day in
need for assistance from their Government and I emphasise Government
not Insidious Dictators that they are who only live to create suffering for the people
of Australia.
The callous and noxious minds of Liberals and Conservatives who demonise
those who need help and assistance from a Government that is supposed
to represent them not chastised them unjustly.
If you believe in
Karma, these conservatives uncaring minds may find themselves one day in
need for assistance from their Government and I emphasise Government
not Insidious Dictators that they are who only live to create suffering for the people
of Australia.
A Dangerous Game
A Dangerous Game
Article by John Kelly
" Historically, regional conflicts start as a reaction to a perceived
threat. They are usually accidental and result from misunderstandings
that develop and escalate between two forces mobilised and facing off
against each other, each believing they have a responsibility to protect
their national interests. In most cases common sense applies and the
commanders of each force will sort out their differences and at the end
of the day, each will go their separate ways, with neither having to
lose face. But, occasionally things do get out of hand."
my opinion :Abbott Government is playing a highly dangerous game with Indonesia and
is placing the security of the region in peril due to his extreme
Article by John Kelly
" Historically, regional conflicts start as a reaction to a perceived
threat. They are usually accidental and result from misunderstandings
that develop and escalate between two forces mobilised and facing off
against each other, each believing they have a responsibility to protect
their national interests. In most cases common sense applies and the
commanders of each force will sort out their differences and at the end
of the day, each will go their separate ways, with neither having to
lose face. But, occasionally things do get out of hand."
my opinion :Abbott Government is playing a highly dangerous game with Indonesia and
is placing the security of the region in peril due to his extreme
Media Release
Wrecking ball to Tasmania’s
World Heritage is global embarrassment
Confirmation today from Environment Minister Greg Hunt that the Abbott
government is acting on its threat to destroy Tasmania’s globally recognised
World Heritage area will also destroy Australia’s international standing and
open up divisions in the Tasmanian community.
“The world was shocked when the Taliban bombed Afghanistan’s World Heritage recognised Buddha
statues and will be again when it hears of Tony Abbott’s attempts to cut down Tasmania’s World
Heritage forests,” Greens Leader Senator Milne said.
“Our World Heritage area is a drawcard for international and local
tourists. Tony Abbott’s lack of respect for what makes us unique is a global
“It beggars belief that Prime Minister Tony Abbott is inviting
international condemnation and dividing Tasmania
simply to give into the pro-logging ideology of Senator Eric Abetz and the
Tasmanian Liberals.
“The Greens will do everything in our power to prevent the environmental
vandalism of the Abbott government and will work internationally to thwart this
attack on our forests.
“If the Liberals have their way, the world will lose ancient forests but
Tasmania will
suffer the most because its clean, green image based on environmental values
will be tarnished. The flow on effect will not only be on tourism but also the
food and beverage sector and ironically the timber industry itself.
“Every market for timber in the world will know that product from Tasmania is compromised
because of the government’s destruction of formerly World Heritage listed
ancient forests.”
Sophie Trevitt | Media Adviser
Office of Senator Christine Milne
M 0438 376 082 T (02) 6277 3618
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
This Basket Case of Coalition Blunders
This Basket Case of Coalition Blunders
Article by John Kelly
my opinion:
Amazingly the Abbott Government has managed to stuff up Australia in a very short period of time. Financially Abbott has destroyed all the good work that Labor did in saving Australia from the Global Financial Crisis, a fact which was muddled by Murdoch Media in partnership with the Coalition to such an extent that Australian voters were duped in a grandiose manner and voted out a Political Party which had done so many good things for all Australians and steered the Economy out of the recession incredibly well.
Now we're all paying the consequences of having one of the most absurdly incompetent and reactionary Government in the history of Australia.. Abbott and Co didn't stop messing up Australia but also our international reputation is in tatters and will take a long time to convince our overseas friends that Abbott and Co was a horrible aberration and we will restore Australia's standing in the world.
Article by John Kelly
my opinion:
Amazingly the Abbott Government has managed to stuff up Australia in a very short period of time. Financially Abbott has destroyed all the good work that Labor did in saving Australia from the Global Financial Crisis, a fact which was muddled by Murdoch Media in partnership with the Coalition to such an extent that Australian voters were duped in a grandiose manner and voted out a Political Party which had done so many good things for all Australians and steered the Economy out of the recession incredibly well.
Now we're all paying the consequences of having one of the most absurdly incompetent and reactionary Government in the history of Australia.. Abbott and Co didn't stop messing up Australia but also our international reputation is in tatters and will take a long time to convince our overseas friends that Abbott and Co was a horrible aberration and we will restore Australia's standing in the world.
Monday, 20 January 2014
Abbott: Open For Business — And Multinational Lawsuits
Abbott: Open For Business — And Multinational Lawsuits
We must stop the Abbott Government signing the TPP agreement with US and others which would place Australia under their thumb so to speak.
By Mike Seccombe
We must stop the Abbott Government signing the TPP agreement with US and others which would place Australia under their thumb so to speak.
By Mike Seccombe
September 20, 2013
rejected it outright. Even the Howard government issued America with a
rare “no” over the legislation, declaring it contrary to national
interests. But now the Abbott Coalition is flirting with a trade
agreement that would allow companies, acting increasingly in secret, to
sue Australia if they don’t like its regulations.
rejected it outright. Even the Howard government issued America with a
rare “no” over the legislation, declaring it contrary to national
interests. But now the Abbott Coalition is flirting with a trade
agreement that would allow companies, acting increasingly in secret, to
sue Australia if they don’t like its regulations.
Do you want Welfare with that?
Do you want Welfare with that?
Article by Buzzzt
my opinion:
Again Abbott and Co and their Masters Rupert Murdoch, the IPA ( Institute of Public Affairs) a Conservative Think tank keep producing misinformation to make Australians believe we're in dire straits and the it's the welfare recipients fault not the TAX EVASION BY GLOBAL CORPORATIONS AND LOCAL ONES SUCH AS THE MINING INDUSTRY who pay little or no tax. and all the other Government sanctioned TAX EVADERS.
Article by Buzzzt
my opinion:
Again Abbott and Co and their Masters Rupert Murdoch, the IPA ( Institute of Public Affairs) a Conservative Think tank keep producing misinformation to make Australians believe we're in dire straits and the it's the welfare recipients fault not the TAX EVASION BY GLOBAL CORPORATIONS AND LOCAL ONES SUCH AS THE MINING INDUSTRY who pay little or no tax. and all the other Government sanctioned TAX EVADERS.
Saturday, 18 January 2014
Indonesia to Increase Navy Patrols After Australia Incursions - The Jakarta Globe
Indonesia to Increase Navy Patrols After Australia Incursions - The Jakarta Globe
Abbott and his minions in TROUBLED WATERS
Scott Info Pad Morrison the laughing stock of the world.
Agus Barnas, a spokesman for the office of the chief security minister, said on Friday that Indonesia would intensify patrols along its border in the Timor Sea. Another frigate will be added to the existing armada there later this month, he said.
“The government of Indonesia deplores and rejects the violation of its sovereignty and territorial integrity by Australian vessels,” he said, reading a statement after a meeting on Friday between his office, the Foreign Ministry, the National Police and the Indonesian Military (TNI).
“The government of Indonesia underlines that any such violations … constitute a serious matter for the bilateral relations of the two countries.”
Agus said the Indonesian Navy already knew of the territorial breach by after a radar alert originating in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, earlier in the week.
“We need to boost our defense there and intensify our patrols to prevent further intrusions,” he said.
Indonesia also demanded formal clarification for the infringements through diplomatic channels and assurances that such incidents would not be repeated.
Jakarta has also demanded a halt to Australia’s military-led “Operation Sovereign Borders” until assurances are received that there will not be a repeat of such violations.
Abbott and his minions in TROUBLED WATERS
Scott Info Pad Morrison the laughing stock of the world.
Agus Barnas, a spokesman for the office of the chief security minister, said on Friday that Indonesia would intensify patrols along its border in the Timor Sea. Another frigate will be added to the existing armada there later this month, he said.
“The government of Indonesia deplores and rejects the violation of its sovereignty and territorial integrity by Australian vessels,” he said, reading a statement after a meeting on Friday between his office, the Foreign Ministry, the National Police and the Indonesian Military (TNI).
“The government of Indonesia underlines that any such violations … constitute a serious matter for the bilateral relations of the two countries.”
Agus said the Indonesian Navy already knew of the territorial breach by after a radar alert originating in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, earlier in the week.
“We need to boost our defense there and intensify our patrols to prevent further intrusions,” he said.
Indonesia also demanded formal clarification for the infringements through diplomatic channels and assurances that such incidents would not be repeated.
Jakarta has also demanded a halt to Australia’s military-led “Operation Sovereign Borders” until assurances are received that there will not be a repeat of such violations.
Friday, 17 January 2014
Murdoch Media. Where the truth goes to die.
Murdoch Media. Where the truth goes to die.
Article by John Lord
Murdoch Media is determined to muddle the waters, by plain lies, half truths, concocted news, It has become a Conservative gazette.
A gazette for the Abbott Government in Australia
Article by John Lord
Murdoch Media is determined to muddle the waters, by plain lies, half truths, concocted news, It has become a Conservative gazette.
A gazette for the Abbott Government in Australia
Thursday, 16 January 2014
Surprises come from this 'no surprises' government
Surprises come from this 'no surprises' government
In the height of their incompetence the Abbott Government made more and more BOO BOOS. Is there any hope of sacking this dangerously Incompetent Government? This Border Protection Plan is a total SHAMBLES and so it this Government.
In the height of their incompetence the Abbott Government made more and more BOO BOOS. Is there any hope of sacking this dangerously Incompetent Government? This Border Protection Plan is a total SHAMBLES and so it this Government.
Sunday, 12 January 2014
Australia's 'Judeo-Christian heritage' doesn't exist
Australia's 'Judeo-Christian heritage' doesn't exist
Australian Judeo-Christian heritage is an fallacy of many politicians worldwide who have used it to to support their arguments.
Chris Pynenocchio is now using it as well as his "impartial" reviewers are using it to create a façade to support their insidious agendas.
Australian Judeo-Christian heritage is an fallacy of many politicians worldwide who have used it to to support their arguments.
Chris Pynenocchio is now using it as well as his "impartial" reviewers are using it to create a façade to support their insidious agendas.
Saturday, 11 January 2014
We're blessed to have Cory Bernardi batting for us
We're blessed to have Cory Bernardi batting for us
Cory Bernardi's Evil Crusade.
Crusading for the Ultra Conservatives agenda.
excerpt from the Article :
Like many of the hundreds of Australians who have rushed online to review The Conservative Revolution, I cannot admit to having read it. Unlike them, however, I have enjoyed spending the funds provided by the cabal of multinational mining companies, merchant banks and tax-exempt mega-churches that have endorsed and possibly funded its publication and my latest beachfront property.
While never having had the pleasure of meeting the senator, who must be very careful about his public movements given the insensate rage he seems to inspire in the lower orders when about in public, I can assure you that I like the cut of his jib. One only has to gaze into the fathomless depths of his black eyes to know that here is a fellow ready to light a fire under the feet of a complacent nation, or to use a white-hot poker on those unprotected feet, or even a handy pair of pliers, should lighting a fire prove inconvenient because of ill-conceived environment legislation.
Cory Bernardi's Evil Crusade.
Crusading for the Ultra Conservatives agenda.
excerpt from the Article :
Like many of the hundreds of Australians who have rushed online to review The Conservative Revolution, I cannot admit to having read it. Unlike them, however, I have enjoyed spending the funds provided by the cabal of multinational mining companies, merchant banks and tax-exempt mega-churches that have endorsed and possibly funded its publication and my latest beachfront property.
While never having had the pleasure of meeting the senator, who must be very careful about his public movements given the insensate rage he seems to inspire in the lower orders when about in public, I can assure you that I like the cut of his jib. One only has to gaze into the fathomless depths of his black eyes to know that here is a fellow ready to light a fire under the feet of a complacent nation, or to use a white-hot poker on those unprotected feet, or even a handy pair of pliers, should lighting a fire prove inconvenient because of ill-conceived environment legislation.
Centre for Right-wing Apologist Politics (CRAP)
Centre for Right-wing Apologist Politics (CRAP)
Cronyism by the Abbott Government creating an insidious web of extremists and reactionaries in key Government created positions and so called "advisory committees".
To this we can add the minions of several Conservative think tanks such as Andrew Bolt and so many "eggsperts" like Professor Plimer.
Cronyism by the Abbott Government creating an insidious web of extremists and reactionaries in key Government created positions and so called "advisory committees".
To this we can add the minions of several Conservative think tanks such as Andrew Bolt and so many "eggsperts" like Professor Plimer.
Friday, 10 January 2014
We need a hero
We need a hero
Article by Victoria Rollison
It's time for Progressive minded people to unite against this Fascist Conservatism of Abbott and Co.that all they can do is blitzkrieg the welfare of Australians, the people whom they're supposed to represent.
Article by Victoria Rollison
It's time for Progressive minded people to unite against this Fascist Conservatism of Abbott and Co.that all they can do is blitzkrieg the welfare of Australians, the people whom they're supposed to represent.
Thursday, 9 January 2014
A government not in control of itself
A government not in control of itself
Abbott and Co Government really is a CLAYTON GOVERNMENT, the Government you have when you don't have one.
Abbott and Co Government really is a CLAYTON GOVERNMENT, the Government you have when you don't have one.
Wednesday, 8 January 2014
Anthony Albanese responds to Cory Bernardi's 'Conservative Revolution'
Well said Albo. It's good to know someone is standing up to Abbott and Co.
Monday, 6 January 2014
Saturday, 4 January 2014
Hands off Medicare
Hands off Medicare
Article by Victoria Rollison,
click on article above to read the article.
“But if it had a co-payment attached to it, Medicare lost its meaning as a universal health scheme funded directly out of the budget…. Medicare was one of the few things that Labor stood for that people held dear to them. To say the program was unaffordable was code for accusing Australians of being hypochondriacs”.
Article by Victoria Rollison,
click on article above to read the article.
“But if it had a co-payment attached to it, Medicare lost its meaning as a universal health scheme funded directly out of the budget…. Medicare was one of the few things that Labor stood for that people held dear to them. To say the program was unaffordable was code for accusing Australians of being hypochondriacs”.
Friday, 3 January 2014
To All Australians : Save our Country and send this… « TwileShare
To All Australians : Save our Country and send this… « TwileShare
This letter is an excerpt from a Change.org campaign.
It is vital that we send this letter to the Governor General requesting the dismissal of this Abbott Government which is quickly destroying the welfare of all Australians and Australia.
This letter is an excerpt from a Change.org campaign.
It is vital that we send this letter to the Governor General requesting the dismissal of this Abbott Government which is quickly destroying the welfare of all Australians and Australia.
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