A disintegrating politics in Australia is being replaced by philosophical totalitarianism where unbridled deceit and greed seek to enslave the minds of the masses.
winston Close Political Commentator
Are the political ideologies of today suited to address the problems of tomorrow?

Before we can even begin to answer that question we need to have a
clear understanding of just what they are. But we have to keep in mind
the often subtle (or not so subtle variances) differences and
interpretations that universally exist. For example, the term Liberal
means an entirely different thing (it means socialism) in the USA. And
in the United Kingdom it takes on another meaning. Even Democracy itself
has interpretations that take on complex variances from country to
country. Socialism takes on many shades of grey often depending on an
historical time frame.
In a recent piece I was presented a case for “The Common good” being
at the centre of every political philosophy. I described what I thought
to be the fundamental political ideologies. They are as follows.
What is a conservative?
I would say that Conservatives (LNP) believe in personal
responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty and
traditional values. They believe the role of government should be to
provide people the freedom necessary to pursue their own goals.
Conservative policies generally emphasise empowerment of the individual
to solve problems. And they are cautious about change or innovation,
typically in politics or religion.
What is a neo conservative?
Neo conservatism goes back to the 30s however in its modern form it
is identified with George W Bush who embraced unbridled capitalism,
corporate greed together with literalist Christianity to form a modern
neo conservatism. Carl Rove, Donald Rumsfeld and others added global
superiority to the mix believing that America in all aspects was above
the rest of the world. A further element in this mix is Tea Party
Republican politics.
Excerpt of the article by John Lord
Click on the link to read the full article