Here we Joh again! Carmody promotion a throwback to Terry Lewis
There he is again! The ghost of former Premier Joh Bjelke-Petersen haunts Queensland politics (Image via
The controversial promotion of Tim Carmody be Queensland’s chief justice is a throwback to the days of Joh, writes Steve Bishop, who wonders how long he can possibly last.
as Queensland’s chief justice is probably the most outrageous and
cynical disregard for proper process in the State’s policing and justice
systems since Premier Joh Bjelke-Petersen promoted inspector Terence Lewis to Assistant Commissioner in 1976.
There is no suggestion that Judge Carmody is in any way corrupt, as Terry Lewis was when personally selected by Bjelke-Petersen.
But what is identical is the way in which a Liberal-National Party Queensland government has promoted a person whom it believes is supportive of the party’s policies. And does so in flagrant disregard for past practice, best practice and independent advice.
The LNP’s regard for Judge Carmody probably goes back to 1996, when the Liberal-National Coalition Government appointed the Connolly-Ryan Commission of Inquiry, in what was widely seen as an attempt to undermine the Criminal Justice Commission, the Fitzgerald Inquiry’s legacy to fighting organised crime and corruption.
The National Party has never forgiven the Fitzgerald Inquiry into corruption, which resulted in voters ending its 32-year reign in government and four of its ministers being gaoled.
Tony Fitzgerald put it like this:
'The Connolly-Ryan inquiry was…set up to discredit the reforms
which had been introduced on my recommendation so that they could be
dismantled with minimum community disquiet, but that exercise failed
when the Supreme Court stopped the farce because of Connolly's manifest
For these reasons, it might have been wise for the Newman Government to omit all references to the Connolly-Ryan Inquiry
But when current LNP Attorney-General Jarrod Bleijie gave Tim Carmody
his first major leg-up, promoting him to the District Court bench and
to chief magistrate nine months ago, Mr Bleijie’s speech
nominated only two highlights of Mr Carmody’s time at the Bar — one of
them was being counsel assisting at the Connolly-Ryan Inquiry.
The chair of the Criminal Justice Commission at the time of the Connolly-Ryan Inquiry, Frank Clair, provided an official report (September 1997) on the effect of the inquiry on the CJC.
He wrote:
'Lengthy responses had to be prepared by CJC officers to meet
assertions, often ill-informed, foreshadowed by counsel assisting in
reports on past investigations as submissions which were to be placed
before the Inquiry.'
Mr Clair criticised
'... the sometimes aggressive and unnecessarily adversarial
approach taken by those associated with the (Connolly-Ryan) Inquiry.'
And he said the Connolly-Ryan Inquiry had
'... significantly hampered the performance of the normal functions of most of the divisions of the CJC.'
It was estimated by the Opposition that the Connolly-Ryan Inquiry wasted between $11 and $14 million of taxpayers’ money in addition to distracting the CJC from its crime and corruption fighting role.
After the Connolly-Ryan Commission had been shut down
because of its bias, the Liberal-National Coalition Government created a
Crime Commission in competition with the Criminal Justice Commission
and, in one of its last major appointments, appointed Mr Carmody as its commissioner.
The elevation of Mr Carmody in 2013 to chief magistrate was the first
of Attorney-General Bleijie’s judicial recommendations after taking
office. He would have taken advice from his director-general, John Sosso.
Mr Sosso was National Party Premier Rob Borbidge’s deputy director-general in 1996 when the Connolly-Ryan Inquiry was instituted.
As mentioned by Tony Fitzgerald QC, whose inquiry exposed the corruption of Police Commissioner Terry Lewis and the Bjelke-Petersen Government, Mr Sosso was influential in the Bjelke-Petersen government:
'When the Inquiry was established in 1987, the National Party
Attorney-General was advised and influenced by a small ambitious group
of Justice Department bureaucrats. The Attorney-General appointed one,
John Sosso, as Secretary to the Inquiry. Sosso didn't last long in that
role but returned to the Justice Department which, as the Inquiry's
report notes, did little willingly to assist the Inquiry.'
Junior inspector Terry Lewis was elevated over more than 100 more senior officers by the National Party Government in 1976 (Fitzgerald Report, p44) to become assistant commissioner.
The decision caused an outrage and led to the resignation of honest commissioner Ray Whitrod, closely followed by the promotion of Lewis to commissioner.
Chief Magistrate Carmody has been elevated over the bewigged heads of
22 Supreme Court judges and more than 30 District Court judges. The
most senior of the Supreme Court judges – and the person who would
almost certainly have become chief justice under another government – is
Margaret McMurdo.
Selection in this way, as practised in every Australian state, means
that the government of the day is very properly stopped from
politicising the position by appointing a lackey. It is inconceivable
that the Government gave proper consideration of the merits and
experience of all 22 Supreme Court judges and found them all wanting.
So it is plain that, like the appointment of Terry Lewis back in
1976, the Newman Government plumbed the depths of promotable
possibilities and came up with a junior judge who, it had reason to
believe, will be sympathetic to its policies.
Before Chief Magistrate Carmody’s appointment former Solicitor-General Walter Sofronoff QC wrote:
'Judge Carmody should himself quell this present
unfortunate and unhealthy speculation about him by stating forthrightly
that he would not accept an appointment to the office of Chief Justice
if it were offered to him.'
Award-winning journalist (and regular IA contibutor) Evan Whitton
has pointed out that there is more than one precedent for judges to
refuse the appointment of chief justice if they feel that proper process
has not been followed by the government.
Judge Ted Douglas
had fallen foul of a Queensland Labor Government and, in 1956, was
passed over when he was expected to be appointed chief justice. Instead,
the government offered the post to Justice Roslyn Philp. Philp did the honourable thing and declined.
However, Chief Magistrate Carmody, despite the risk of his
appointment causing dissent and a rift among judges and barristers,
The dissent and rift are spectacular and unprecedented.
Tony Fitzgerald QC said:
"People whose ambition exceeds their ability aren’t all that
unusual. However, it's deeply troubling that the megalomaniacs currently
holding power in Queensland are prepared to damage even fundamental
institutions like the Supreme Court and cast doubt on fundamental
principles like the independence of the judiciary."
Former Supreme Court judge George Fryberg told the ABC:
“For the chief justice, you need qualities like a very
powerful intellectual ability. Tim's quite bright, but I don't think
he's in the league that is required for chief justice."
Another former Supreme Court judge, Richard Chesterman QC, told the Courier-Mail:
“A judicial officer whose meteoric rise has been associated with
public support for a government cannot command the confidence and
respect a chief justice must have.”
After the appointment, Mr Sofronoff told the ABC:
“Judge Carmody is somebody who has by his own actions identified
himself too closely with the Government. Judge Carmody is a person who
has none of the necessary qualities of a chief justice of a supreme
court of a state of Australia… He shouldn't be Chief Justice. He should
do the gracious thing and realise that all of this has been a horrible
mistake and say that he wouldn't accept the appointment.”
Bar President Peter Davis QC resigned from his position saying he had no faith in the selection process.
He continued:
"The Government has said that they consulted widely on the
appointment. My sense though is that there was little, if any, support
for the appointment within the legal profession and little, or none,
within the ranks of sitting Supreme Court judges. Senior figures warned
against the appointment and some have spoken out against it since its
This latest example of the Newman Government’s disregard for the
separation of powers, proper process, transparency and the voting public
comes only a month after it passed legislation scrapping
the public’s independent watchdog, the Crime and Misconduct Commission,
and replacing it with a lapdog Corruption Commission to be controlled
by a government-appointed chair.
The question now is: how much more pressure will be brought to bear
on this appointment and how long will Judge Carmody feel able to reside
in a house where he is not wanted?

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