Will Tony Abbott have the courage to accept some blame for the Victorian loss?

Federal politicians have always been quick to point out that party
losses at the State level have been, and always will be, because of
State issues. Federal politics and personalities play no part whatsoever
in the election and the subsequent result; it’s fought on State turf.
Yet . . . federal politicians have also been quick to point out that
victories at the State level – for their party – were delivered as a
protest vote against the ruling federal party, should of course, they
themselves be in opposition at the time.
Or they could go completely overboard – such as Tony Abbott did after
Labor’s loss in the Tasmanian State election – and announce that they
single-handedly won the election for their State counterparts.
(Mind you, when the South Australian State election didn’t go the way Abbott had hoped, he went to great pains not to comment on suggestions his involvement in the campaign had a negative impact on the Liberals’ result).
News is now in that the Napthine Government has been kicked out after
only one term. Already members of Abbott’s Government have distanced
themselves from the result. Head on over to Twitter and look at the ‘it
wasn’t us’ tweets.
I live in Victoria and this is the first Victorian State election
I’ve voted in. However, I haven’t been here long enough to have much of
an idea about State issues and what issues the parties have campaigned
on. So I went against my ‘norm’ and registered a protest vote against
the Federal Government, and in particular Tony Abbott.
I wasn’t alone. Speaking to polling-booth volunteers, the message was
the same: people weren’t voting against Napthine – they were voting
against Abbott (or his government/Hockey’s budget). In the word of one
voter, just to “watch him squirm”. Again, head on over to Twitter but
this time look for the ‘it was them’ tweets. They dominate Twitter.
Pre-election it was forecast that Abbott could be the factor that will lose the election for Napthine. It looks to be the way.
But will he squirm? I doubt it.
Either he won’t have the courage or he is so full of hubris that he
is blind to the simple fact that he’s totally on the nose. In 2016 he
will join Napthine as the leader of a ‘one-term’ government.
Nonetheless, I look forward to what he has to say about the Victorian election result.
Is he in hiding?
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