LNP want to privatise Rockhampton hospital. Still no 24 hour Medical Imaging Service!

because there is an election on, I’d like to remind readers that
Campbell Newman and the LNP want to privatise Rockhampton Hospital and
there is still no 24 hour medical imaging service. If you vote for LNP
what other critical services will be abolished and privatised?
Think before you vote! Put LNP last!
anyone has ever been critically ill, had an accident, bringing a new
life to your family or had to take a loved one to a public hospital, you
understand the dire need for a solid and responsive public health
times are trying times and quality care and the resources to provide
effective and immediate response is crucial. Outside of the emergency
department, there are many departments that link in to provide effective
and immediate care. These include, Pathology, X-Ray and Imaging, Renal
Unit, Maternity, Ward Staff and Pharmacy to name a few. If these
departments are not funded and resourced and held to the tight
regulations enforced by the public sector, then profits above health
will prevail.
are already seeing attacks on Medicare with co-payments and a fee to
use the emergency department. It seems that the Newman Government and
Abbott Government is set on destroying our public health system. It
seems that the Liberal and National Coalition and LNP in QLD do not give
a damn about the sick, frail, elderly and disabled. I hope the people
reading this do.
Newman Government has been attacking our Public Hospital system, since
their first day in office, as can be seen by the many press releases from the QNU
regional towns service wide communities, inclusive or surrounding and
rural areas. Many regional towns only have one public hospital, like
Rockhampton Base Hospital.
will occur when the only public hospital in the region is privatised?
The Newman Government is now on the attack to privatise the Rockhampton
Base Hospital. The intellectual capital and dedicated staff could also
be lost, as well as decisions not to invest in the latest technology,
as they will be after all, profit driven and not health driven. Many
will argue that there are many fine Private Hospitals; but these come at
a price with revenue feeding in and fee paying patients. The people
who rely on a public system, cannot afford to have care curtailed due to
a focus on profits, when there is a different revenue stream to a
Private Hospital. If cost didn’t affect operations, the public would
have had access to the Private System for years at no charge.
put LNP last and have this stopped. Regional areas cannot afford such a
move to privatisation. Even if you traditionally vote Liberal or
National, if you want to prevent this privatisation, at the next
election, please vote for a party that is not LNP, nor one that
preferences LNP at the next election and put the LNP last. Please talk
to volunteers at the voting booth and do your homework. Regional areas
cannot afford to lose our Public Hospital system. Please…for the sake of
the people who need it, even if you don’t.
put LNP last on your ballot paper to stop this attack on essential
services! To date there is still no 24 hour medical imaging service at
Rockhampton Hospital.
I’ll leave you with this news report about the privatisation of Rockhampton Hospital. It must be stopped.
*Previously published on Polyfeministix
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