I refuse to live in fear!

tactic of a bully is to keep their victims living in fear of what could
happen so they are grateful when they don’t get beaten or abused. They
make their victim believe they are powerless by cutting them off from
their support and telling them only the bully can look after them. This
is exactly what our own government is doing. It is their tactic of
choice in so many areas.
In the past, Australia was a country who willingly offered safe haven
to refugees. We recognised their need for a home which complemented our
need for population growth. As time passed, the contribution made to
our society by those we embraced became obvious and we are the richer
for it in so many ways. We are a wealthy multicultural society who used
to lend a hand. Those days are gone.
We must spend whatever it takes, and alienate whoever we must, and
inflict terrible physical and mental harm, to save the nation from the
invading hordes of asylum seekers who will threaten our way of life.
They will impose Sharia law, take your jobs, clog up your roads and
hospitals, and are just waiting for a chance to kill you. Yes I am sure
that’s why they are fleeing their homelands, leaving family and friends,
risking their lives on unseaworthy vessels – just so they can come and
turn Australia into what they are escaping from.
I do not fear refugees and we can easily accommodate 30,000 a year if
not more. We should be welcoming them, assuring them they are safe now,
and assisting them to become productive members of our society.
Climate change is real. It is not a conspiracy by bankers for world
domination. It is not collusion by scientists to get funding. It is not a
fake perpetrated by the IPCC. I refuse to believe the conspiracy
theories though I am terrified by the consequences of our inaction. The
government has inculcated fear about carbon pricing into the community –
Whyalla will be wiped off the map, lamb roasts will cost $100, the cost
of living will skyrocket – none of which happened. They tell us that
wind farms are bad for our health and when that didn’t run, they revert
to they are ugly?
We were told that the mining tax would hinder investment in Australia
with investment and jobs going offshore. This scare campaign was also a
lie. We have the resources and a stable economy, the investors are
banging on our door. The high Aussie dollar caused by the success of the
mining industry is what is hurting jobs and sending industries
offshore, but Hockey hastened to reassure the miners that they will not
have any of their subsidies cut or tax increased. In ‘fear’ of the
miners choosing to rape another country instead, we have gotten rid of
our environmental protections and given virtually open slather for the
short term cash grab of developing our finite resources.
Our country is not broke. Using great big numbers about possible debt
in ten years’ time and inflated deficit figures is purely designed to
scare us. Why do that? Don’t you want business and consumer confidence?
This scare campaign is purely political to exaggerate the problem, blame
it on Labor, and use it as an excuse to implement their corporate
agenda and social engineering.
People struggling on the old age and disability pensions are
terrified about the recommendations from the Commission of Audit. We can
reassure the miners but we cannot reassure the pensioners. They have to
wait in fear so when they only have to pay $6 instead of the
recommended $15 as a co-payment to the doctor they will feel grateful.
We are told that our health system is unsustainable yet the
government didn’t ask the people in the industry how it could be
improved. We straight away go to the scare campaign of we can’t afford
this so you must pay. The experts have said there are many ways that expenditure could be better spent and areas of waste that could be eliminated but starting with preventative health is patently counter-productive.
The same applies to the old age pension. We have now scared everyone
by saying they will have to work to 70 yet once again the experts
disagree with the fear campaign being spread. Hockey said the number of
people aged 65-84 would quadruple by 2050. The ABS says otherwise.
They do three predictions – high, low, and medium – their high range
estimate is 2.5 times growth in that age bracket. Hockey predicted that
only 37 per cent of the population would be of working age in 2050, yet
the best available estimates from the ABS show it is in fact is between
61 and 63 per cent.
The scare campaign about unions is the government’s way of cutting us
off from our support. What collective voice do the people have other
than the unions? Who offers protection for our workplace rights other
than unions? Who can represent individuals other than unions? Reducing
the minimum wage or the availability of Newstart is not the best way to
tackle unemployment. There are so many better ways like investing in new
industries such as renewable energy, and investing in education and
supporting research to develop the industries of the future – something
we have been amazingly good at in the past.
George Brandis even wants to change the law to protect bigots and
bullies. Apparently they have every right to offend and humiliate
people. What sort of crazy backward thinking is this, done in the name
of freedom? Next, will we be defending the rights of countries to
commit human rights abuses? Oh, wait……
We must stand up to this government who consciously, willingly lies
to its own citizens to keep them in unnecessary fear. We must point out
their crazy priorities where we waste hundreds of billions on fossil
fuel subsidies, tax rebates for superannuation and private health
insurance, fighter jets, paid parental leave, grants to polluters,
Operation Sovereign Borders, lifetime gold passes and entitlements for
politicians, political advertising and campaigning and the like, while
insisting that our most vulnerable must live in poverty and fear. We
must expose their lies about debt, deficit, and the affordability of our
health and welfare system.
You are the one who should be afraid Tony – be vewwy afwaid – because
I refuse to live in fear and will do everything in my power to make
sure the Australian people know the truth so we can protect ourselves
from the bully by ending this relationship at the first opportunity.

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